Wednesday, December 26, 2012

For some of you this may be your first visit to this blog, others of you may have visited at a time when we stood with Josh and Chelsea to help in the fight against cancer. Even though we all wish there were a different outcome right now, we can all agree that the fight that Josh started when he and Chelsea learned of the cancer is not a fight that has been lost.

Whether you knew Josh a single day or every day of his life, you have felt a care and love that is not found often and we know that is the legacy that lives on in each of us that were fortunate enough to know this amazing man. We are rededicating this blog to continue the fight and to carry a legacy; it is a legacy that Josh poured his heart and soul into when He and Chelsea made a decision to start a family.

Although flowers and food are always appreciated at times like these, we have been asked to offer the sego project as a way to support Chelsea and Josh's legacy by donating funds that will be transfered to a college investment account for the baby. Donations will be accepted through Paypal by clicking on a link "cash donations" to the left.

Thank you for visiting and for all contributions, it is greatly appreciated.

There have been so many things that transpired between now and the previous posts in this blog. Please feel welcome to read through the posts below and remember many of the triumphs we celebrated on this journey. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Summit

This has been an absolutely amazing week! We received the incredible news that after all that Josh has endured, a recent PET-scan has shown that Josh is in full remission! We all have been moved to tears knowing that this is truly a miracle and a breakthrough that was earned as a testimony to Josh and Chelsea's faith. There is a tenacity that fills us all to see Josh continue to physically recover the aftermath of the extreme regimen that was prescribed. We look forward to celebrating each milestone with Josh and every life event that hung so delicately in the days and weeks past. 

We turn our focus now to wiping out cost of treatment! Just as the doctors eradicated the cancerous cells from Josh's body, we all hope and believe that we can knock out the bills that have begun to pile up for Josh and Chelsea! Our second best news of the week was an accounting of all donations received. To put it mildly, the upcoming silent auction is going to be unbelievable! There are thousands of dollars of items to be bid on including- certificates for restaurants, hotel stays, Comedy Works, Theaters, auto services, hair salons, bowling, and Jump Street. Goods such as a video camerapampered chef, and framed photography. Sports memorabilia from Avalanche, Broncos, and Nuggets. I could go on and on but the best way to find out is to be there on May 7th. Be sure and check out the links to all our sponsor's sites on the right!

I want to thank everyone who has made this possible and I look forward to seeing you all at the auction!

the sego project team!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gaining Momentum!

This has been such an awesome experience! We can truly say that the intimidating feeling of fundraising and asking for donations completely leaves you the minute you get out there and go for it. We have met some of the most awesome people and it really has given us a renewed hope that there really are some very good people out in the world. People like Mike who so unassumingly works at a wine retailer in Cherry Creek, but spends his free time organizing charity helicopter rides for kids with lymphoma. As we talked with him about our event it was noticeable that this 200+ pound 6' 5" tall surly guy was tearing up and had a true heart and appreciation for what we were doing. Thanks for your time and advice Mike!

Each day we work on this project I liken it to Josh's recovery. There are moments where you just don't know how things are going to work out, but when you turn around and look behind you, you realize how far you have come!

Josh has been working with his physical therapist and is gaining increased mobility. There isn't a body builder in the world stronger than Josh as he overcomes the mental and physical challenge of regaining the ability to walk. 

Josh and Chelsea are gaining momentum in their recovery just as we gain momentum in this fundraiser. We have bracelets (see below) available for $4 each. If you would like a bracelet, please contact Scotty (720) 837-4893 or Nick (720) 226-6225.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day by Day

There is so much ahead in regard to treatments and recovery, but Josh is taking everything in stride- one day at a time. It may sound cliche' but it truly is a day by day process for Josh and Chelsea now. Josh continues with physical therapy and the feeling in his lower legs is progressing at what can seem like a snails pace. Chelsea is there at each appointment with encouragement and a strength that is to be envied. 

We are so encouraged to see the recovery that has been made after such a massive surgery. The next hurdle will be the chemotherapy scheduled to start this coming weekend. It will be Josh's first chemo since leaving the hospital and the 48 hour continuous drip means another stay at the hospital. 

We are so excited that we have a location for our silent auction and we are planning a huge party for this event. Click on the "Main Event" link to the left to check out more information. Thank you to all of our sponsors for some awesome donations! We have been so blessed with everyone we have spoke with.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Josh is Home!

This has been such a long time coming and we are excited to write that Josh is finally on his way home today after 54 days in the hospital. The prognosis is looking very good for Josh, the nerve damage in his legs from surgery is slowly regenerating, and all of the complications from surgery have healed well. As Josh recovers at home, there will be a continued chemo regimen to kill all the remaining cancer cells in his arm and hip. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Beginning

Fundraising efforts are under way and we are all brainstorming on how to make this a huge success. All of us are encouraged to see the excitement when we talk with family, friends, and potential supporters about the sego project.

Although we don't have a definite date that Josh will be released from the hospital, we are all hopeful that it will be within the next week or so. 

Check back soon and thank you for your outpouring of love~

~Josh's Friends